People-focused solutions
We plan and develop strategic projects that lead to better design outcomes for people, organisations and places.
We offer consultancy and design services in three core areas:
Transformational change
Insight & strategy
Helping organisations define and innovate future services and place experiences.
We believe places, spaces and buildings should be easy to use and understand, but also enriching and engaging.
Our pioneering work spans the development of visions, strategies and design programs to improve the image, identity and legibility of places.
We unpack the brand DNA of place and consider the interplay between all design elements from shaping urban form and architecture to streetscape design and environmental features.
Whether it’s developing architecturally intuitive places, using public art to aid legibility and movement, or planning a city's strategic walking network; we carefully research, plan and deliver projects that function well, delight the user, and build on the spirit and sense of place.
Sectors: Local authorities; regeneration agencies; architects and developers; business improvement districts (BIDs); major destinations and venues.
Our services and capabilities include:
Place reading environments
Historical analysis
Place reading notation
Urban and architectural structure
_Form and morphology
_Legibility and connectivity
_Function and land use structure
_Movement structure
_Spatial structure
_Design and architectural appraisalPlace branding and identity
Place values
Place essence and DNA
Place brand proposition
Place expression
Place brand identity
Place/spirit books and design idiomPlace experience strategies
Connected Places
Legible CitiesPlace shaping
Place vision
Placemaking concepts and ideation
Placemaking schemas
Masterplan review and support
Public realm strategies
_Design frameworks
_Movement frameworks
_Spatial frameworks
_Streetscape enhancements
_Streetscape element typologies
_Material and furniture palettes
Programming and activation plansPlace experience management
Brief writing development
Client-side advisory services
Project advocacy
Project communications and publications
Project costing and budgeting
Project management and scheduling
Engaging environments
Legible cities & place shaping
Using place branding and urban design approaches to shape and enrich place.
We believe in working collaboratively with clients to bring a deeper understanding of peoples’ needs to the design of places, services and products.
Our working processes, engagement and co-development techniques enable our clients, partners and government agencies to respond effectively to change.
We derive user and behavioural insights from best practice, design precedents, scenarios and use-case development as a starting point for the design process.
Whether it’s helping a client transform a service, developing a vision and blueprint for city connectivity, shaping the arrival experience at a major destination, or considering peoples’ needs when recomposing after airport security; we offer insight and service innovation to transform the user experience.
Sectors: Governments; public agencies; organisations; and companies and service providers looking to improve the experience of places and related services.
Our services and capabilities include:
Service visioning
Vision and ideas development
Vision advocacy and direction
Program strategy
Program development
Project strategies and reportingCapacity building and engagement
Stakeholder mapping
Stakeholder engagement
Consensus building
Community engagement
Organisational insight
Supporting organisational changeContextual research
Benchmarking and best practice
Documentation review
Contextual analysis
Standards compliance
Market researchBehavioural insight
Behavioural research
Human factors and task analysis
User/usability research
User needs definition
People, place, service interaction
_Mental mapping
_Observational analysis
_Behavioural and mobility states
_Emotional modellingService transformation
Customer journey mapping
Touchpoint analysis
Current state experience analysis
Persona and scenario definition
Future state experience opportunities
Service concepts and propositions
Service blueprinting
Organisational management and guidance
Business case development
Thoughtful connectivity
Wayfinding & mobility
Creating physical and digital solutions to enhance the understanding of place.
We believe people become better connected to place through the successful delivery of effective physical and digital wayfinding services.
We develop wayfinding and mobility solutions as an information overlay to bind journey experiences together. This enables people to locate themselves, orientate, navigate, and find their end destination with ease.
We work across all modes of transport, journey stages, communication channels and points of touch.
Whether it’s arriving in an unfamiliar place, changing modes of transport, locating your flight gate or biking a city's greenways; we design wayfinding services that aid the understanding of place and enhance the entirety of the user experience.
Sectors: Cities, agencies and service providers within transport; mobility; regeneration; development; airport; parks and recreation; healthcare; heritage; and tourism sectors.
Our services and capabilities include:
Wayfinding systems design
Wayfinding masterplans
Wayfinding strategies
Digital placemaking strategies
Service and product concepts
Service and system scoping
System architecture
System conceptual design
Detailed designInformation planning
Naming and content strategies
Network planning
Location planning and placement
Information and message planningInformation design and EGD
Conceptual design
User experience (UX)
Interface design (UI)
Identity development
_Composition and set-out
_Colour palette definition
_Graphic style sheet development
_Illustration origination
_Pictogram origination
_Typography development
Cartography origination
Diagram origination
Artwork productionProduct development
Product concepts
Product ergonomics
Product specifications
User testing and diagnostics
Procurement specifications
Fabrication oversight
Installation oversightSystem sustainment
Design and legacy management
Asset and GIS management
System management processes
System guidance and standards
Production quality control
System evaluation and monitoring
Our clients
We work directly with government authorities, transport agencies, mobility providers, airports, healthcare providers, business improvement districts, and venues.
We also collaborate with other design creatives, architects, and developers to shape better places.